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Re: [WMASTERS] Standards


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To WhomeSoEver It May Concern,

For The Benefit Of Our Mother Tamil,

Please Bring In All The Best Technical Points Of Your Own Encoding


Lets Make A Standard TOGETHER. Its OUR Standard And Nobody's.

With Lots And Lots Of LOVE,

George Hart wrote:
> ________________________________________________
> This week's sponsors -The Asia Pacific Internet Company (APIC)
>   @  Nothing Less Than A Tamil Digital Renaissance Now   @
> <http://www.apic.net> Click now<mailto:info@apic.net> for instant info
> ________________________________________________
> I find it distressing that people are so attached to the font encoding they
> happened to make.  For everyone's information, I was the first in the world
> to develop a Tamil font on a computer.  This was using a Lisa + Mac in the
> early '80's.  I have absolutely NO attachment to my encoding scheme, even
> though I have put literally thousands of hours into it, and have printed
> many books with it.
> PLEASE, we need a standard -- this is not a personality contest.  My own
> feeling is that we should use a 7-bit font with kerning (like mine), but I
> don't care as long as we have something everyone will use.
> Govindasamy writes,
> >Dear George
> > you have all the right to suggest Inaimathi font to be the interim
> >standard. I only found emotional attachment in your suggestion. As an
> >academic we should go for facts. from  your mail, I understood that you
> >are not well informed of the facts that is surrounding the  Technology
> >which made Total Tamil Internet Solution possible on Internet.
> Ravindran replies,
> >The TamilNet encoding is totally proprietary to select indviduals
> >and was not allowed to be used by local Malaysian and Singapore
> >developers despite repeated requests. Even now, this copyright is
> >selectively enforced.
> Is this true?  If so, how could we make the TamilNet encoding a standard?
> Please note that my fonts etc.  are in public domain and always have been.
> In any case, there is no way in they world that you can copyright an
> encoding scheme.
> Govindasamy, Please answer the following questions:
> 1. Is your scheme proprietary?  If so, how can we use it?
> 2. In what respects is your scheme superior to Inaimathi or any other
> standards propose?  Please answer with specifics, not just with the fact
> that it is used widely.  My own encoding is used widely too.
> Please note, my only emotional attachment is to Tamil, not to Govindasamy,
> not to Muthu, not to myself.  I want to get something agreed upon, and I
> don't care if it's the original scheme of Molly McGuire in Iowa, as long as
> it works.
> ________________________________________________
> Sponsors/Advertisers  needed -  please email bala@tamil.net
> Check out the tamil.net web site on <http://tamil.net>
> Postings to <webmasters@tamil.net>. To unsubscribe send
> the text - unsubscribe webmasters - to majordomo@tamil.net
> ________________________________________________


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