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Re: [WMASTERS] Jati and grantha....
Jathi and the tamil word Sathi have absolutely no relatinship
between them. The fomer is Sanskrit-European origin and dthe
latter is pure tamil origin. I have given detailed explanation
on this and also I have given example from Tholkappiyam.
I understand the need for inclusion of grnadha scripts for
making available of Bhrathy's works adn others works too.
But, just because we want to include some works, we can not, and
should not modify the language and destroy the history. I have
said it clear that the history should not be rewritten that
tamil originated from Sanskrit and giving existance of the grandha
scripts of sanskrit phonems and words in Tamil as the proof of it.
Here I saw people like Mr. Hart, and another who wrote about
Sathi in dravidian race giving example from Tholkappiyam. The misentry
of some poems and a few line in some poems gave rise to this argument.
Had those lines been removed in time, this misinterpreation would
not have a root now. As no body had all the poems of orginal
Tholkappiyam, some prints have these added poems added by some
individuals with vested interest. I am sure of their evil mind
in repainting tamil culture and civilization to their taste.
There are many tamil scholars who have done excellent reseacrh on
this topic. Please those who are going to do any service to tamil
please rerad those works and understand what tamil is. With very
limited time available to me I can not write more on these.
When I wrote the reply to Dr. Kalyan's writings, I forgot to feed the
cells that I purified from human spleen. I am trying to rescue
as much as I can. I can not live on the net to teach those works
that I started to learn form 7 years old boy. That was the first
time I got first prize in inter-school oratorial competion. Since
then I have read about 5000 books of my village library and walked
about 5-7 miles to three other neighbouring towns to read books.
When my fellow friends of my age group were playing games I lived
in libraries. One needs enormous interest to do such a think.
In tamil 40 years reading is nothing. There is more to learn
and research.
It is not self boasting, but I am writing about how much time it
would need one to learn the richness of tamil. There many
thousand tamil scholars who are more knowledgeable than me.
Therefore I do not claim that I am an expert in tamil literature.
Coming back to the importance of grandha scripts, I want to make
clear again that Tamil never depended on grandha for its survival
and growth. Also transliteration is not at all a solution for
a language growth in Science and Technology. In naming a group of
kinases a family has been named as JAK family. The person
who discovered first member in this family do not know what it
does and how he can name it. All that he knows is that it is a
kinase. Therefore he simply named it Just Another Kinase. If this
term is transliterated using tamil script as "sAk" or grandha
script "jAk" it does not matter. In fact transliteration may
eventually lead to the death of a language. After a few decades,
the words of the original language would become minimal and hence
one can not even believe the very existance of such a language.
The tough job facing tamils is coining new words. Science
grew in the last couple of decades enormously fast and hence every
language other than english faces almost similar situation like
tamil. Fortunately, there are excellent scientists and engineers
in tamil community as much as any other community has. I do not
want to boast that this community is also a brilliant community
like a few others. I have written much on this topic.
In writing science we almost end up using greek scripts. In
every one of my science articles I published in international
journals I have used more than one greek scripts. It is inevitable.
Even after the inclusion of grandha scripts one can not avoid
using those greek scripts if any one wants to write science in
tamil. Because we have to follow the international conventions.
How are we going to do that? By including those greeak scripts
in tamil slots? No, that is not necessary. In tha same way
one can find a space for grandha, brahmi and ancient dravidian
scripts and place them. Who ever wants to use those scripts,
As Mr. Hart wants to put Bharathy's wonderful works can use
those scripts.
All that I object is to iclude grantha into tamil slots. That would
give a very wrong opinion that grandha scripts are aprt of tamil
scripts. I have on objection to include grandha scripts anywhere,
possibly, in a place which is allotted to hindi. But not wioth tamil.
I do not want another person to say that tamil could not have survived
without grandha scripts or without Bharathy's works.
I have enormous love for Bharathy. That is why I have not
entered into attacking his tingleskrit poems. His works are
worse but his love for tamil is simply superb. I have enormous
regards for him. But for him, now many people would not even
thing of writing tingleskrit poems. He paved the way for it.
And it resulted in "Take it easy Urvasi".
It is tamil's feeling, self respect, pride, hstory, culture,
civilization, right to live, right to own at least a piece of
land in the so called geographical location India are all
attached to it. I can foresee what my foreparents failed
foresee when tamil was sanskritised by a handful of people
so silently and so efficiently.
May I be singled out in this effort, I do not care. I will
take every possiblity to resist this, at all rounds, starting
from Tamil.net to seeing such a thing becomes a law in the
land of tamilnadu. As a tamizan living in thistime zone it
is my duty to save my language as it is every other tamizan's.
If they don't want to do it that is fine.
On Tue, 9 Sep 1997, George Hart wrote:
> Jaati is of well-known Indo-European derivation, with the Sanskrit root jan
> from IE *gen. This has given Greek genos (>English geneology) and Latin
> genus. It is also the source of English kin. There is not the slightest
> doubt of this -- comparative linguistics is as much a science as physics.
> In any event, if the proposed standard does not include grantha letters
> (including ks and sri), I cannot use it. I want to put Bharathiyar's works
> on the net, and those characters are necessary. George Hart
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