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þÂüȢ "§Àå÷ô Òá½õ" - À̾¢ 2
À¼Äõ 8 - 18 (628-1276)

pErUr purANam of kAcciyappa munivar
part 2 /verses 628-1276
In tamil script, TSCII format

Our Sincere thanks go to Mr. Muthukkumaraswamy of Singapore for the
preparation of this etext in Unicode (input and proof-reading).
Preparation of HTML and PDF versions: Dr. K. Kalyanasundaram, Lausanne, Switzerland.
© Project Madurai, 1998-2008.
Project Madurai is an open, voluntary, worldwide initiative devoted to preparation
of electronic texts of tamil literary works and to distribute them free on the Internet.
Details of Project Madurai are available at the website
You are welcome to freely distribute this file, provided this header page is kept intact.

º£Äò¾¢Õ ¸îº¢ÂôÀ ÓÉ¢Å÷ «ÕÇ¢Â
"§Àå÷ô Òá½õ" - À¡¸õ 2

10. ¦¾ý¸Â¢Ä¡Âô À¼Äõ 628-702
11. ż¸Â¢Ä¡Âô À¼Äõ 703-745
12 ¿¢Õò¾ôÀ¼Äõ746-883
13. «ÀÂôÀ¼Äõ 884-923
14. ÁվŨÃôÀ¼Äõ 924-1070
15. ÍÁ¾¢ ¸¾¢¦ÀÚ À¼Äõ 1071- 1134
16. ÓÍÌó¾ý Ó¸õ¦ÀÚ À¼Äõ 1135 -1188
17. þó¾¢Ãý º¡Àó¾£÷ó¾ À¼Äõ 1189-1214
18. ¸Ã¢¸¡ü§º¡Æý ¦¸¡¨ÄôÀÆ¢ ¾£÷ó¾ À¼Äõ1215-1276

This file was last updated on 12 December 2008
Feel free to send corrections to the webmaster.